Yesterday morning I went down to his room to find that in four days he had managed to transform it back into its former sty-like state. I was less than thrilled. However, undaunted I did what I do best--lecture. I told him that when he throws his clothes all over he is being disrespectful. I told him I work hard to keep his clothes clean and all I ask is that he puts them away. Then in a stroke of pure motherly genius I told him he obviously didn't understand how much effort goes into keeping his clothes clean, so this next week he would be in charge of his own laundry.
I was very proud of myself. This week coming week I planned on making him sort the clothes, then we would put them in the washer and transfer them to the drier. After that he could fold his clothes and put them away, all the while we would be discussing respect and responsibility. GENIUS! Except for the fact that sometime I forget he's only five.
When I went to pick him up from school that afternoon I was approached by one of the women who works in his classroom. She seemed very concerned when she said, "Um, Kai was complaining all day because his legs were cold. I told him, 'Kai, if your legs are cold, wear pants tomorrow.' He said that he would but all his pants are dirty and he has to do all his own laundry, and he's just not sure when he's going to get clean pants."
Mike likes to point out that this one is completely my fault. I am the child who convinced the neighbor that my mother made me do all the house work. I am also the child who talked a perfect stranger into buying me a candy bar by telling him that my mother wouldn't feed me.
What goes around comes around.
I hate it when something comes back to bite me. I tried the laundry trick once too. I was on bedrest and I would talk the kids through doing the laundry. I was tired of asking them to switch the same load all day so I told them I was no longer going to talk them through it and it was up to them to get their laundry sorted, cleaned, dried, and put away. I had Jenna a few days later and the kids had no clean clothes to take to my parents house. Why is laundry such a curse in every form? JERI
OUCH! That is hilarious. When you talked about how you were going to get him to do all that stuff himself, I thought to myself...why is she punishing herself for something he did. Forcing your kids to do all that is 10 times more work than just doing it yourself. I commend you for your efforts. Even if DCFS hauls away your kids for your "neglect"! Thanks for the story, I laughed so hard.
Don't you hate it when your kids get you into trouble? Mine does all the time!
The Kid, she dos laundry. It's the BEST!!
You should have just told the lady "Maybe next time he'll get his chores done! Excuse me..I need to go tell him what he's making for dinner."
I totally get that! Jacob is MY child. What goes around comes around is right!!! BTW, do I HAVE to say I am not surprised? The boy has a way with words - he is just too smart for his own good!
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