16 January 2008


As you know the boy was diagnosed with ADHD awhile ago.

The doctor suggested he start seeing a therapist, he said that most kids with ADHD do. If most kids do, I suppose we must too. I signed him up with a program at BYU, where he talks to a student who is studying to be a therapist. All of the sessions are taped and reviewed with their professors, blah blah blah. We are going there because it is $15 a session, as opposed to $115 a session.

Last night was his first session. I'll admit it, I had fun. I know that sounds weird, but really, it was fun. Sometimes I forget how funny that boy is. It was really nice to sit back and watch as he completely amazed and befuddled someone, who was not me for a change. I couldn't help thinking, "thats my boy!"

At one point she was trying to talk to him about some of the boys in school who are mean to him. She asked him what they do that's mean. He very expressively said, "Well. They are ALWAYS doing KRUNKY stuff." (He likes to make up words) When she asked him to be more specific he just made up more words. She moved on.

He started to tell her about a story he had heard in class. It was something about a boy who wasn't good at basketball, but he put salt in his shoes . . . I don't know, it didn't make a whole lot of sense. He had been talking about this story for a really long time when the therapist tried to change the conversation with, "So, tell me about your sister." He gave her the "I'm talking right now look" and kept talking about the boy with salt in his shoes. She tried again, he stopped talking, looked her right in the eyes and said, "Okay, here's the deal. I'm not really done telling you about this story. I would like to finish. Then I'll tell you about my sister."

When he was done with each topic he would declare, "and NOW I am done talking about THAT" as a signal that it was okay to move on.

By the end of the hour he had agreed he would try to be nice to Madison by getting her school snack for her in the morning (even though HE has to get ready for school TOO you know!). However, he would not agree to hand the snack to her. He would open the door and throw it at her, because she doesn't seem to be feeling well, and he DOESN'T want to get sick.

I think we made a lot of progress. $15 well spent.


Anonymous said...

Brig is such a character. What a guy. I loved him controlling the conversation with the therapist. Awesome.

Shell said...

As far as I can tell, Brig has to marry Kaes, because we at least have an idea what's coming. Any other in-laws would be totally overwhelmed, whereas we would just say, "That's Brig." See, you need to get in on these things at an early age and I don't know that you've got anybody out there who's already out there. Also, Kaes will be able to sit on him when he gets out of hand.