25 January 2008

The Case of the Missing Brownie

Madison made brownies in her math class on Thursday. The teacher took them home to bake and today they will get to taste the fruits of their labor. Madison told Kai she would get an extra one and save it for him.

"Mom, I have a problem. I kind of, sort of, promised Kai I would get him a brownie from math class."

"That was nice."

"Well, the problem is that they have cameras ALL OVER the school. Because like the other day there were these boys who were stuffing toilet paper in the . . . well not the toilets, but you know those other things . . . . "

"The urinals?"

"Ya, so these boys where stuffing toilet paper in them and they caught them because someone was watching the tapes. So what if I take an extra brownie and they see it on the tape and come after me?"

So she can be scared into doing the right thing. Perhaps it isn't ideal, but hey, she's being good.


Michael said...

I am going to assume that the cameras were outside the bathroom and they saw who went in and out at what times and figured out who stuffed 'those other things'.

CarrieAnne said...

Yeah...this Jim F. guy is right. I'll talk to her about it instead.

Unknown said...

Madison is under the impression that every light in her school has a camera installed in it. I think this is a scare tactic that her teachers have been using to keep the class in line. It is working so well I am going to tell her I have installed cameras in the lights in the house.