05 March 2008

The Ultimate Cop-Out

The boy is a noise machine, and a lot of his noise comes in the form of questions, to which I usually answer, "Because that's how God wanted it." Rarely have I found a question of his, this answer doesn't work for. Why is the earth round? Why are my eyes green? Why does this float? Why does that sink? Because that's how God wanted it.

Lately I have been feeling guilty for using this cop-out. I thought that if I really answered his questions we might be able to have some great learning moments together. On our walk home from school the other day I was presented with a question.

Boy: Why are sticks pointy?
Me: Well, sticks are branches from the tree. They are long, skinny, and pointy so they can reach up to the sky. This way the leaves on the tree can get sun and water and the tree grows big and strong.
Boy: So they are pointy so the leaves will stick on them?
Me: Long and pointy sticks do have more room for more leaves to spread out.
Boy: So things that aren't pointy can't have leaves?
Me: No, the stick's pointyness doesn't determine whether or not it has leaves.
Boy: So why are sticky pointy?
Me: Because that's how God wanted it.
Boy: That's how God wanted it?
Me: Yup.
Boy: Oh.


NG said...

I am sooo using that answer from now on.

Sparklebot said...

My grandpa would have said: "Sticks are long and pointy so that when children misbehave, they can easily break off a painful switch for parents to hit them with"

My people are German.

Juliette said...

Good stuff.

Unknown said...

Smash- I'm sooo using THAT answer next time!