04 March 2008

Organized Clutter

I suppose I should start by telling you about my goals from last week. Last week I started making a vest for Chase's birthday and got the house ready for my current goal. I would be done with the vest, but I am having issues knitting the collar. The goal I am currently working on is a cleaning routine. I set up a routine and plan to follow it for the month of March. I am using the much acclaimed Fly Lady site to keep me on track. I have heard that if you follow the Fly Lady's instructions you're house will be spotless in a matter of a few months. We shall see . . . .

Things I learned:
1. Just because you measure and your child has a 22 inch chest doesn't mean that pattern size will fit him. Sometime kids are ridiculously skinny, and even though it goes around his chest doesn't mean it won't be too short.
2. Though it is good to teach your kids to do chores, sometimes their help increases your work load.
3. I still don't like to exercise.

Yesterday while working on my living room I decided that I wanted to reorganize the bookshelves. I recently read an article about organizing your bookshelves in an organized but cluttered sort of a way (I wasn't able find it again or I would link to it). I quite liked the idea and so I gave it a try. This is my first attempt. I have an expert coming this afternoon. She is going to make sure I've done the bookshelves correctly. She is also going to be helping me rearrange the little boys room. Perhaps I'll take before and after pictures.

In the meantime I'll give you a brief tour of my bookshelf. I know, you're so excited, right?

The top shelf is full of books I had to read for school, or books I picked up and wanted to read on my own. It's got everything from Jane Austin, to Poe, to Walden.

The second shelf is full of art books. It's got quilting books, the autobiography of Ansel Adams, and books about Rennie Mackintosh, Magritte, and some of my other favorite artists.

The third shelf is religious books, and the fourth shelf is children's books. The forth shelf is my favorite shelf because it holds some of my favorite books. Books I read over and over again as a child. One of which Madison is currently reading, "The Phantom Tollbooth". I loved that book. Good old Milo, what a character.

Oh yes, the bottom shelf holds bags, but that isn't very interesting.


Juliette said...

Oooh, yuck! Get rid of the bags on the bottom shelf. That's ugly. (o; Other than that, it's looking good. Hurray for organization!

Unknown said...

Juliette-- Maybe I can fashion some doors to hide the bags

Jim-- I thought about that myself. But perhaps it isn't the quantity of religious books, but the quality. I do have a really fantastic book about Romans 1.