I am sitting at my computer. I am supposed to be working on websites right now. I haven't had any work for a while, but as the saying goes when it rains it pours. I have three websites I am supposed to be working on right now. Crazy? Yes. I put in a few hours this morning, and now I am taking a break. Unfortunately I am out of Dr. Pepper. I really need to get to the store, but it is snowing. Uggh.
Yesterday wasn't all work and no play. I volunteered most of the day at the kids school. I spent most of that time in my daughter's class room. They are working on a patriotic unit right now. They have to write a two page essay on patriotism and they are memorizing little blurbs about various people who attended the
constitutional convention. During a brain storming session for the essay the teacher told the class that America is the richest country in the world. I cringed, but let it go. However, after school Madison said, "Mom! Did you know that America is the richest country in the world!" I could let it go no longer. I told her that wasn't exactly true.
She wanted to know what the richest country was. We looked it up and found it
here. Not only are we not the richest, we're not even in the top five. We were beat out by Ireland. Yes, potato famine Ireland. Considering it is a per capita thing, it isn't too surprising to find Luxembourg at the top. There's what, two people living there? Two very rich people apparently. Then she asked my why her teacher told them that we were the richest country, and I said something that will surely come back to bite me. I told her American's are pompous and we like to think we are better than everyone else. The next patriotic brain storming session might not go over so well. I'm expecting a note.
While in the classroom I also overheard a very funny conversation. The students were all at PE and another teacher came in to talk to Madison's teacher. I was off in the other corner wrapping cardboard boxes with butcher paper (don't ask). The teacher was whispering, but the classroom isn't big and we were the only people in it so . . .
Anyway, the other teacher came into the room and said, "You know how we are reading Peter Pan? Well I am having all the kids draw a picture of a fairy. I told the boys they could draw a male fairy if they wanted, and one boy raised his hand and asked if he could draw his fairy with a Mohawk and facial hair! Can you believe that?"
This teacher was all shock and awe, when she said, "I told him 'NO your fairy can NOT have a Mohawk and facial hair!'"
THE NERVE! Can you imagine a 2nd grade boy who wants to draw his male fairy with a Mohawk and facial hair! I think they should send a note home to his parents.
I suppose it is a good thing I wasn't in that class because when I think of male fairy, I picture something more like this. Which I am pretty sure would have gotten me kicked out of school. But then he doesn't have a Mohawk or facial hair, so on second thought I'd probably be fine.