I am sorry that I called you "the never ending chore from Hell." That was rude, and I will try to be more sensitive in the future. I just have hard time understanding why it is that you always need to be done. Even the toilet usually manages to stay clean for a day or two. As soon as I have washed you, dried you, and put you away, I find you sprawled on the floors of the bedrooms, bathrooms, and sometimes even the kitchen. Please try to be a little better.
Thank You.
It all starts with underwear...and you know my feelings about "The Underwear Hoard"!
Maybe your laundry is breeding. It seems to do that when you have more than one child. Oh, and for some reason, potty training seems to increase the laundry's breeding powers. Maybe they're like gremlins...feed them after midnight and they turn from cute, fuzzy little things into the monster of your nightmares.
You are much more polite to your laundry than I am. Maybe that's why my laundry is getting back at me. I can't find two pairs of pants that I know that I own. They're not in the 'dirty' piles, they're not in the 'clean' piles, they're not in the 'folded but not put away' piles and they're not in the piles that just sit around because I don't really know what to do with them. (Yes, I have laundry I don't know what to do with. It's quite possible my laundry issues are even worse than yours.)
I didn't know laundry could be so spiteful.
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