07 February 2008

Because of HIM!

I am going on a date tonight, so this morning I decided to break from the norm and shower before the kids get home from school. That way I'd have more time to do my hair. I might even put on a little make-up, but I make no promises.

I put Davis in his crib and gave him a few toys. I explained to him that he wasn't going to be happy. I knew he wasn't tired, but I felt like he needed to be contained. I just don't trust him to roam the house yet. Trust is earned, and until he stops shoving pony beads in his mouth, he won't earn my trust. He did what any seven-month-old would do; he cried.

I set Chase on my bed and turned on his favorite show, "Super Why". I then proceeded to shower. As soon as I rinsed the conditioner from my hair Chase came bursting into my bathroom screaming like a banshee. I have only heard this scream once before. It when he dislocated his elbow at the library (in the "please turn your cell phones off" section no less). There was obviously something very wrong.

Now you have to understand there are two things that Chase really doesn't do, he doesn't talk, and he doesn't sleep. Yes, yes, none of my children really sleep, but he is the worst. He often stays up late with his dad watching James Bond and other movies the therapist would say two-year-olds should probably not watch.

So here is my child screaming his heart out. Very concerned, I jumped out of the shower and asked him what's wrong. He managed to sputter, "I'm scared!" It was really very cute. I didn't know he knew the word "scared", thus providing a little more evidence toward my "he can talk, just chooses not to" theory. "Scared? You're scared? Why are you scared?" I asked. He pointed out the bathroom door and sobbed, "because of HIM!" I would have been as impressed with him knowing the word "because" as I was when he knew the word "scared" except for the fact I was now scared. There should not been a HIM in my house! And frankly the last thing I wanted to do was confront a HIM in my towel. I never did get to borrow that little green gun and felt very unprepared to deal with intruders.

Slowly I peeked out of the bathroom door to see. . . nothing. Hmm, confused I ask Chase to show me again what he was scared of. He pointed to the TV and said, "Giant." Another new word, it was a bumper morning. "Super Why" (now his least favorite show) was telling the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk. Apparently Dr. No, Goldfinger, and Blofeld don't hold a candle to Jack's giant.


Michael said...

I am impressed you knew the super-villans we have covered so far. Chase does sit and watch them and seems to take things in. I have been trying to toughen him up but apparently we need to hit "The Spy Who Loved Me" and some of the others with Jaws, the metal-mouthed giant. We'll get there little buddy, hang in there and we'll have you tough as nails ... just like your dad.

Michael said...

And I do agree with the chooses not to speak versus the cannot speak.

Shell said...

So much therapy in his future, and the therapist in never going to believe it's really all about PBS and not James Bond. And I love his little voice when he talks. Cute and scratchy, just like Maddie and Brig. I can't wait to hear Davis. Instead of a singing family, you could have the sexy-voiced talking family. I don't know exactly what you would do with that as a family talent, but after watching Lis sew last night, I'm sure she can come up with something. She's an expert at figuring things out.

Unknown said...

Michelle- Are you referring the bag that I am going to have to make for A THIRD TIME because I keep screwing up?

Kristin said...

SO, how long do you think it will be before you will try to take a shower while kids are still at school? That would be enough to freak me out for a good while. About Chase being able to talk...necessity is the mother of invention. He is just waiting for when he has to talk, like this morning. My kids are slow to start talking too. At least all the boys.

CarrieAnne said...

Tessa did NOT walk until after she was in nursery a few times.

Seems crawling isn't the fastest way to chase down a kid who stole your toy.

Chase will talk when he wants to date.

Unless he uses his sex appeal and doesn't have to say a word to get the girls to fawn over him. Hmmmm....that's what he dos now and it seems to work with the ladies....he'll probably never talk.

CarrieAnne said...

I also find it "interesting" that you weren't concerned about Anakin. Whoever this intruder was you were more afraid of him than you were of him snatching up Anakin.

Now that I know this I'm so borrowing a gun from Brig, dressing up like "The Giant" and "borrowing" your less verbal kids. ;-)

Unknown said...

Jim F-- The same people who keep having his hearing tested because he is so good at ignoring them they are convinced he is partially deaf.