29 May 2008

The Last Box

I did something bad this morning. I weighed myself. Don't worry, I don't plan on doing it again anytime soon.

I am going to Costco this morning to buy my last box of Chase sized diapers. I have decided I'm done, this is it, he WILL be potty trained! To top it off I haven't showered, which means I'm bound to run into someone I haven't seen in a long time. Probably on old boyfriend.


Juliette said...


Tyler V said...

Oh, you shower sometimes?
I try to avoid that when going in public (you may have noticed). Then, people don't stop me and ask me for money. If I know them, they don't stop me to chat very long. The cashiers get me through super-fast. Everyone gets out of the way for stinky me!

Anonymous said...

I am so relieved to hear that you didn't shower before going to Costco. Because when I ran into you at Costco I hadn't showered yet and felt bad about it.

Sparklebot said...

On the weighing issue: I feel you. I actually started weighing myself every day recently because I have decided that I'm tired of being fat. So, I am dieting and (get ready for this) exercising and weighing myself every morning to see my daily progress. It's stressful, but I feel like the constant weighing makes me more aware. It's still depressing though.

Unknown said...

vigues-- why do you think I haven't asked you over in so long . . . .

angela-- I was relieved to run into you and not an ex-boyfriend.

Smash-- good luck. Some day I'll get in shape, but I currently love Dr. Pepper more than cute pants.

Kristin said...

Good luck with the potty training thing. I just may follow suit one of these days.