30 May 2008

The Girl Needs a Break

Madison has one more week of 2nd grade. Her goal for the summer is to complete her school's 4th grade math curriculum. You have no idea how freaked out I am by this. In fact if you know math I am willing to trade you knitted goods for tutoring. I told her how hard it would be. I told her she would have to take math on vacation. I told her there would be times when she would want to stop and play, but she would not be swayed.

So this morning when she said, "Mom. I really don't have anything important to do at school today so I don't want to go. I'm not going to lie, I just want a break." I said, "Okay. Stay home."

I wasn't able to capture her shock on camera but it looked something like this.

Without the soda, of course.

Now you might say it is awfully coincidental that she needs a break the day we get a really fun new game . . . I say, she's eight, lay off.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome on so many levels.

My mom never would have let us take a day off just for a break. Not because she didn't trust us to know if we would be missing something important, she just didn't want us hanging around the house all day.

Wendeloo1 said...

Elora had one of those days during this school year, and I knew she was faking sick. She's a really bad liar. I decided that it was okay to let her stay home, because there are days that I want to fake sick! Every one needs a break every now an then!

And you know what?! A lot of people I mentioned this to - TOTALLY agreed!

Kristin said...

I have done the same. My mom did it for me. Nothing wrong with being a merciful parent once in a while. I think it makes your kids feel this world an OK place if Mom can give you a break once in a while.