05 May 2008

Which One?

Friday was the Mother Goose Fair at the boy's school. I got there 20 minutes early. I like to tell people I got there early so I could help set up, but really I was just afraid I wouldn't be able to find a parking spot. When I arrived the kids were at lunch, so I did help the teacher set up a little. When the kids started trickling in I sat down with the two little boys to wait for the show.

Because I was the only parent who had arrived, all the kids began crowding me. "Who's mom are you?" "Is that your baby?" The boy quickly established me as his mother and the two little boys as his brothers.

One girl came up to the baby, turned to Kai, and said, "This is your brother? Oh! He looks just like you, Kai!" I was a little surprised because I don't think Davis looks anything like Kai. Then she turned to Chase and said, "Oh! Is he your brother too? Wow! He look just like you too!" I laughed.

It reminded me of a time when I ran into an acquaintance, she pointed at Chase and said, "Okay . . . so I know he's yours, but who do the others belong to?" To be fair, up until then she had only ever seen me with Chase and assumed my husband was Asian. I found it humorous all the same.

But wait, it gets better . . . after the first girl said Chase looks just like Kai, another little girl came up. She patted Davis on the head and said, "Hey Kai! Whaddya name this one?" He told her his name was Davis. "Oh," she said, "and whaddya name the little black one?"

If nothing else Chase's life should be interesting.


Juliette said...

Kids can be hilarious.

CarrieAnne said...

I think Chase looks like he belongs to you guys. Maybe it's the whole thing where you look like your pets or your spouse. Evidently he's spent enough time at your house that you've rubbed off on him.

Poor kid's gonna be short and skinny his whole life. ;-)