The last few days have been . . . unusual. Needless to say, they have helped me become more grateful.
**That is Kai's turkey btw and he wanted to make sure I understood that pink thing
is not his beak, it's his wattle. **
My week in review . . .
Day 1: While at the library Chase dislocates his elbowThe librarian was trying to help me find a book (
The 5 Love Languages of Children ironically enough) and Chase kept trying to run off. I held his hand pretty tight and he lifted up his legs and dropped. POP . . . SCREAM. The boy can scream. We went straight to the doctor and had it relocated.
I am grateful for wonderful librarians-- she continued to look for the book, and when she found it she called me and told me she had set it aside for me to pick up. I guess she thought I
really needed it.
I am also grateful for an awesome pediatrician who showed me how to relocate an elbow by myself. Useful knowledge I'm sure.
Day 2: Kai makes friends with the big boysAfter school Kai and I were waiting for his sister to come out of her classroom. Four boys pass us. They are 10, maybe 12. Each of them walks by and says, "Hey Kai." He responds all cool, "Hey whats up." Complete with head nod.
I am grateful for children with confidence, even if they are on the small side.
Day 3: Chase loses my wedding ringWhile I am getting the two older kids ready for school, Chase gets into my nightstand. He spread its contents all over the bedroom. I found everything, except my wedding ring. He may have swallowed it. Only time will tell.
I am grateful for cubic zirconium and other cheap diamond alternatives.
Day 4: We spent 4 hours in the ER
Chase had a fever. Nope it wasn't related to the wedding ring. I still haven't found the ring. Frankly I'm not that excited about that treasure hunt.
I am grateful for friends who will come to your house at 3am so you don't have to take all four of the kids to the ER with you.
Day 5: I made dinnerNo really, I did. I made chicken and potatoes. I even bought rolls. It was going to be a surprise, but I had to break down and call Michael because I couldn't figure out where he keeps the potatoes.
I am grateful for large pantries, crock pots, and husbands that cook.
Day 6: The kids have a half dayI volunteered in Kai's kindergarten class for the day. It was only a half day after all.
I am grateful I had the foresight not to major in elementary education. I am grateful for all the incredibly wonderful (though perhaps a bit touched) people who did major in elementary education and are willing to teach an all-day kindergarten class.
Day 7: Kai freaks out in the storeAs I am taking him outside he's screaming "LET GO OF ME!" I am stopped by a woman who is convinced I am trying to kidnap him. I suspect she followed me and wrote down my license plate number in case she heard an amber alert later.
I am grateful the boy wasn't really being kidnapped. Although he can be a real pistol, he is pretty cute.
I am not grateful for the mothers curse, however. Apparently she had similar experiences with me. I am grateful that I too must have been pretty cute, or I doubt I would be here today to write this blog.