15 November 2007

My Budding Leonardo

Yesterday the boy came walking up the stairs and down the hall when all of the the sudden he stopped. He stood there for a second, the he looked at me and said, "MOM! My brain just taught me a new way to write the letter E!" He got a piece of paper started at the bottom, instead of the top, and wrote this . . . .

I not sure what is worse. The fact that I have to tell him that his brain did his E backwards, or the fact that he refers to his brain in the third person.

I am also afraid that he is going to get a note from school saying they are very particular about the way they write the letter E, and would appreciate it if his brain would stop interfering.

1 comment:

CarrieAnne said...

He's hearing voices...and they "teach" him things? It could be worse. He could be really short.
