Not everyone was thrilled to start school. |
Davis has another week of carefree living before he's off to Kindergarten, but the other three started school today.

When Chase met his teacher at back to school night she asked him if he was excited for 2nd grade and he said, "I guess. The only problem is that I don't really like talking." "Oh are you shy?" she asked. "No," He said, "I just don't like talking."
For his first day of school Chase chose to wear his favorite pearl button cowboy shirt and jeans. He's still hoping for a new pair of cowboy boots while I'm still hoping to find a pair I'm willing to buy.
Kai decided that he wanted to wear what he calls his "skater outfit." This consists of his flying skateboard shirt, red skinny jeans, and blue high-tops. Mike said he's pretty sure boys don't wear "outfits" just clothes. I'm pretty sure Kai doesn't care.
Kai couldn't wait to get out the door this morning. He was excited because at back to school night his best friend, Jane, made sure they were assigned seats next to each other. I told him if he wants to continue to sit by Jane he'll have to be quiet and calm or his teacher will move him. This is no small feat for a 10 year old boy.

Madison is thrilled to be in 7th grade because she gets to take classes like art, photography, French, and P.E. Yep, she's even excited to take P.E. Oh and she gets a locker.
She saved money all summer so go back to school shopping with her Aunt Becca. When she got home with her new clothes Madison decided that she needs three "first day" outfits (she's a girl so she gets to use that word). One for orientation day (today), one for her first day of A schedule, and one for her first day of B schedule. She reasoned that because each of these days involve different classes and different people they were all technically "first days."
She's so old! I remember her first free dress day in kindergarten when I asked her if she wanted to wear pink or purple socks and she replied, "Mom, they aren't pink and purple, they're coral and grape."
So here's to a new year--lets hope it's a good one.