03 December 2012

So This is Christmas

Last week we decided it was high time we actually had family home evening and seeing how it was getting close to Christmas we thought it would be prudent to spend the night full of Christmas themed family togetherness.  We decorated the tree, sung Christmas carols, and great fun was had by all--except Chase, who every few minutes would stop and ask, "can I go now?"

We ended the evening by taking turns answering very serious questions regarding Christmas. I asked Kai if there was something he thought he might get for Christmas (likes socks or underwear) that he really didn't want. He said, "Hmm. I love everything I get. But if I had to pick something, I have to say I don't want anything girly." so Davis piped in and said, "Yeah, I don't want anything girly either! Like I don't want ANY fingernail polish or ANY make-up [insert long thoughtful pause] well actually I DO want fingernail polish and make-up" Kai started giggling so Davis glared at him as said, "But I don't want any more kids! We have enough of that."

We asked Chase if there was an activity or tradition he wanted to make sure we did this Christmas and he said, "I just want to do more fun things together as a family." I was touched and said, "Chase that's so sweet!" "Can I go do them now?" He asked. "Well, that IS what we're doing. RIGHT now." I said excitedly. He said, "Oh. I guess I meant to say I'd like to do more boring things by myself. Can I go do THAT now?"


Rachel said...

Those boys crack me up!

Dirtius Wifius said...

I have some black sparkly nail polish that would be totally perfect for a little boy...

mhambster said...

I have always felt that having more kids is clearly a "girlie" kind of a thing.

Lis, your kids are hilarious. Plus, I completely agree with Chase about what a fun family activity is. I'm going to suggest that for FHE tonight, in fact.

Grace said...

This is great. Your kids never fail to make me laugh.

Shell said...

Since some of your kids count double, you totally have enough kids. It was very generous of Davis to realize that, especially since he kind of counts triple.