While she was telling him about how he was going to fall asleep, the nurse gave Kai a matching mask to put on his puppy.
He was pretty excited about the whole thing until someone mentioned the tube they were going to put down his throat. Until he heard that he'd been raving about the how comfy everything was. The bed was comfy, the thing they stuck on his finger was comfy, he even said the blood pressure arm cuff was comfy. In an attempt to ease his fears they said he'd be asleep and wouldn't even know. But he didn't really feel better until they promised to give him a red slushy when he woke up.
The whole thing was very quick. He was only gone 30 minutes before they came and got us to be there when he woke up. Even though he was pretty spacey he managed to remind them that he was promised a red slushy. They also gave him a bag of Cheetos which he managed to eat like a chain smoker-- one after another without stopping. Considering it was 3pm and he hadn't eaten all day, it wasn't all that surprising.
The doctor said everything looked fine (she even sent him home with pictures to prove it). She said she'll have the results from the biopsies on Monday and that is when we'll find out about the celiac and other possible allergens.
So far so good . . . .
Very cool hair. Very, very cool. I have one awesome nephew.
What did she mean when she said everything looked fine? I understand this was a positive comment, but obviously since you are waiting for the biopsy results on Monday "everything looks fine" doesn't necessarily mean that nothing there is problematic. So what was it she liked the looks of?
Well she means that from what she can see from the camera everything is normal. So no major ulcers and that sort of thing. But she said that is what she expected because the things she thinks he has celiac which can only be seen at a microscopic level.
(That was me who deleted the previous comment. I misquoted the boy.) Who knew an endoscopy could be described as "comfy"? He makes it sound just delightful. What a great kid. Love his Jimmy Neutron hair do!
good hair days make everything seem better--- even a endoscopy!
Wow. Sounds like he fared much better than my husband did when he had one last month.
Way to go, champ!
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