24 August 2009

Oh The Places We Go

Did I tell you that Madison is riding her bike to school now? She rode her bike to school for the first time on Friday. Don't tell Madison but after I dropped the boy off I drove by her school to make sure her bike was there. It was.

If you think that's paranoid you should meet my mother. When I was in fourth grade she made me hold the neighbors hand as I crossed the street on our way home from school. So as far as overly protective goes I think driving by her school to make sure she wasn't kidnapped on the way is pretty minor.

Tomorrow the boy goes in for his endoscopy. I told him we would be going to Salt Lake City and he said, "OH! Salt Lake City?! I've never been there! BUT I've heard its really pretty. Just like my teacher is really pretty."

I'm not sure what I find more amusing, the fact that he thinks we've never been to Salt Lake or his obsession with how pretty his new teacher is.


hOLLIANN said...

That is hilarious! I am so glad I ran into you! And I am glad you are paranoid too...it makes me feel in good company.

CarrieAnne said...

Is she that pretty? It's rare that you see a girl that can hold a candle to the wondrous beauty of Salt Lake.

Pmom@chocolateandgarlic.com said...

Good luck for your boy. Will the endoscopy hurt? Will they anesthetize him? Good luck to all of you. Parents need hugs as much as boys sometimes.

I assume he might not be up to it and you might not have time. But if you are near the U of U, he might like the frog exhibit (live frogs in every color!) and the dinosaur bones at the Museum of Natural History (it's at President's Circle).

Anonymous said...

And here I was feeling guilty that my internal paranoia wasn't sufficient to get me to actually check that my kids had made it to school safely when they rode their bikes today.

I hope all goes well tomorrow (in the Beautiful City of Salt Lake.)

Sparklebot said...

So, he will acknowledge when girls are pretty? My step-son refers to girls in his class has his "not-friends"--and when you ask him if someone is pretty, he says "don't be disgusting."

Unknown said...

Pmom-- it doesn't really hurt, but he did have a little bit of a sore throat and a fat lip.

smash-- he does acknowledge pretty girls, but I think he'll grow out of it. Your step-son is older right? Because Madison would rather die then tell you she thought a boy was cute.