Not surprisingly he wore Levi's and a John Deere shirt. He also refused to open his eyes for any of the pictures. Again, not surprising. In fact the only slightly surprising thing was when he decided to top his outfit off with a gold crown. Did I mention that he likes to yell, "I am the king of GODS!" while wearing this crown?
Fortunately I was able to talk him into leaving the crown in the car while we met his teacher. Unfortunately, he decided to do his own hair this morning and used most of the hair gel in the process. But I suppose that's just the kind of thing the king of Gods would do.
King of Gods. WOW! Might he have a slight superiority complex?? Oh well, it is good for kids to have a high self esteem. Will he be going to preschool Monday- Friday or just some days?
Is that the Faulconer complex? I think it is :). The eyes closed seems appropriate. You've got some beautiful well adjusted kids. I love them, every single one.
you're right. it's time to play again!
King of the Gods. Does he give interviews? I've always wondered what the king of the Gods would be like.
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