I love our local library. How much do I love the local library? Right now I have 46 items checked out--46! Okay so thats nothing compared to the woman I saw unload a cooler filled with books into the return slots and then load it back up again before checking out. It kind of makes me wonder how many books you can fit into a cooler, but it mostly makes me wonder why a cooler?
Back to me. Right now I have 46 items checked out, three of which happen to be movies. Movies that are due soon. Movies we haven't watched because I couldn't find them. You have no idea how much stress this has been causing. I was fairly certain I was the last one to touch the movies, and I had NO idea what I had done with them.
I lost the movies. I couldn't even blame it on the kids! I have been looking for these movies for days. I went through the toy room, the car, my bed room, the laundry room, I looked
everywhere. This morning Michael suggested we look under the couch. As I was crawling around on the floor looking under chairs I saw this.

Do you see it? Do you see all the books, and incidentally
3 movies, that have been neatly stacked inside this toy? Here's the thing, you can only see it from the side. Even better is the fact that those books are packed in such a way that if you pick the toy up they come up with it, leaving you with the allusion that there is nothing under the toy. My children are evil geniuses, I tell you. Evil geniuses!
And I thought I couldn't blame the kids. HA! If I learned nothing else from this, I learned you can
ALWAYS blame the kids.