13 June 2008

Monte L. Bean and His Muesum

When I told the girl and boy we would be going to the Bean Museum I was immediately asked,

Girl: "Is there a gift shop?"

Boy: "Do they have a ball pit?"

I explained that the Bean Museum was much better than gift shops and ball pits, it was two floors of stuffed dead animals.

Boy: "So, how many of the dead animals used to eat beans?"

Girl: "Dead animals don't eat beans. They don't eat anything because they are dead."

Boy: "I know! I said, 'used' to eat beans. I know dead animals don't eat."

(this went on for a while)

While at the museum the kids decided this Baboon is evil.

This Sage Grouse is uh hmm *cough* immodest

And this goat is the Devil.

I blame that one on Guitar Hero.

However, my favorite part of the outing was when the boy tried to figure out which half of the Liger was Lion and which half was Tiger.


Michael said...

Sheep go to heaven, goats ... go to hell.

Michael said...

I didn't cite my reference. New Testament, St. Matthew, Chapter 25

Anonymous said...

I thought I read somewhere that the right half was lion and the left half was tiger.

NG said...

A liger is pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic you know.

That baboon does look evil.

Unknown said...

michael: I'm going to pretend like you're quoting Cake instead of the Bible.

jan: I think it's actually the front and back half.

ng: I am thrilled to have written a post where Cake and Napoleon Dynamite are quoted in the comments. This must be the best post EVER.

Juliette said...

Thanks for that story, I needed a good laugh. (o:

Kristin said...

My kids are always begging to go to the Bean museum. they always act like it is really interesting but I think they are just trying to get me to take them to the BYU creamery and buy them ice cream or at least chocolate milk.

Sparklebot said...

I used to have class in the Bean Museum almost every day for two semesters--so you can take it on good authority that that goat truly is THE devil. Not just A devil--THE devil.

And, you should have looked for some of the bugs I collected that are now part of the BYU collection. It makes me semi-famous.