09 February 2009

There's a Monster in My Room

When Davis was first diagnosed with hypoglycemia we had to wake him up twice during the night to feed him.  This made for some pretty bad nights.  Now we give him corn starch mixed in applesauce right before bed.  This eliminates the need to wake him up and feed him, however, this hasn't eliminated all his bad nights.  A couple times a week he wakes up screaming and is generally inconsolable for about two hours until he falls asleep in our bed.  This happened last night.  He woke up around 11 screamed until 1.  

As I'm sure you know, I have three other kids and unfortunately they occasionally wake up in the middle of the night too.  This also happened last night.

Madison: "Mom.  Mom!  Did you call me?"
Me:  "No.  I was asleep!"
Madison:  "No, I mean, did you call me on the phone?"
Me:  "It's 4am!  Why would I call you on the phone?"

At this point Madison starts to sob.

Madison:  "Well someone was calling my name and saying 'hello' and I thought it was you on the phone and I couldn't find the phone and I kept hearing this voice and now I'm really scared!"

I told her she must have been dreaming.  She crawled in bed with us and just as I began to drift off to sleep there was a noise in the kitchen.

Madison: "What is that!  I think someone is playing DS in the kitchen!"

Apparently the person who had been hiding in her room trying to talk to her decided to go play DS in the kitchen instead.  Well, except that the weird noise was really Michael's cell phone.  He jumped up to answer it.  I heard him mumbling something.  There was an "ohhhhh" and a "yeah.  I'm really sorry."  

Have I mentioned before that Chase doesn't really go to sleep when everyone else does?  Sometime he just messes around in the other kids rooms and eventually passes out on the floor or someone else's bed.  Sometimes, like last night, he messes around with the phone, and then passes out on top of the phone in Madison's bed.  Sometimes, he accidentally calls people at 4am while he is sleeping on the phone.  

Fortunately the people he called happened to be really good friends of ours who, though a little freaked out when they got a very strange phone call from us at 4am, weren't terribly upset upon finding out what had happened.


NG said...

Those are friends you want to keep. They'll come in handy when Chase needs to be bailed out of jail for calling 911 by mistake.

Kristin said...

That is hilarious! Kind of reminds me when I was a kid and my brother woke up in the night to hearing the channels being changed on the tv (back when it was a nob instead of a button). It turned out my other brother was sleep walking and was changing the channels. Nothing quite like calling friends at 4am though. Sorry about Davis's night terrors.

CarrieAnne said...

Chase is already drunk dialing? I'm impressed. He's really advanced for his age.

Tyler V said...

Wow. That kinda sucks. And normal mothering along with the nighttimes...yuck.
I'd offer you a Dr Pepper, but from the previous post I can see you're already well-stocked.