03 February 2009

I Should Have Guessed

"Hey Chase, would you rather play soccer, or baseball this summer?"

"umm . . . . hot wheels."

Huh.  For some reason I'm thinking baseball.


Anonymous said...

ha, that's awesome!

Ian, my youngest goes commando now, what sport should i put him in? :P

(this is Meadow, btw, I'm at school and it wont let me log in, hehe)

Jessieksj said...

Yet another picture to be printed and framed. I am thinking you should print it in black and white and add it to the family wall :) hahahahahaha. I love it.

Kristin said...

This is why you are a better parent than me. I should be thinking of putting my kids in sports programs I suppose but I quake at the very thought of having to sit through any sports games, even if my kids are in them. I am thinking swimming, if they are lucky. Nice picture. I feel validated as a mom with similar children. Phew!

Grace said...

Yes, yes, I can relate all too well.