05 January 2009

Taking The Imaginary One Step Too Far

I love Utah, but I don't like winter.  More specifically I don't like snow.  Oddly enough I don't mind shoveling the driveway.  Don't misunderstand me, it isn't as if I wake up in the morning and think, "oh gee, I really hope I get to shovel today!"  It's just that I don't mind doing it if it needs to be done.  I think I don't mind because I get to count it as exercise and when I'm done I've accomplished more than making myself stinky and tired.  

Today Madison said she would keep an eye on the younger kids while I shoveled.  When I came in I found the baby in the high chair eating chips and salsa.  Kai and Madison also had chips and salsa and were diligently doing their homework.  Basically everyone was messy and happy-- except Chase.  Chase was upset.  Sob sob sob "hurt" sob sob "so sad" sob sob.  I asked Madison if he got hurt, "no" she said, "he just is upset because someone else got hurt and had to go to the hospital or something.  I don't really know what he's talking about."  I was intrigued.  I inquired further.  I found there had indeed been a horrible accident.

Apparently Tomater and an unnamed car ran off the road, possibly due to the snow, but more likely due to the fact that the road kind of disappears at the bottom of the hill. Fortunately the ambulance helicopter made it just in time and will be able to transport him to the hospital.  Regardless, Chase is still upset.


QueenMeadow said...

Oh man, that is hilarious! I mean, such a sad sad tale, sniff.


Brent Walker said...

I'm still laughing because I count shoveling my stairwell and parking space as exercise too! I got 30 minutes of exercise today.....

That does look like a serious accident, though. Chase definitely didn't go to far - if he doesn't look out for the toys who will? I wouldn't count on the salsa eating children since they obviously had their priorities all mixed up!

Kristin said...

Now THAT is empathy. There is feeling others' pain and then feeling the pain of imaginary others. Good luck with that one. How sweet he is. I am betting he is going to grow up to hate movies that make him cry just like you.

Juliette said...

He's such an odd kid. Where did you get him?? (o;