09 January 2009

I'm Going OUT!

After school Maddie came in and started flapping the arms of her coat right next to me.  The following conversation ensued.

Me:  Can you please stop that.  It's annoying.
Maddie:  Stop what?
Me:  The coat arm flapping.

Maddie stops and walks away.  A few minutes later . . .

Maddie:  Um sorry I didn't stop the first time because I didn't really understand what you were asking, but then I figured it out and stopped.
Me:  That's fine.  I appreciate that you stopped.
Maddie: So is it okay?
Me:  Is what okay?
Maddie:  Is it okay that I didn't stop the first time?
Me:  Yes.  It's fine.  I'm not mad.
Maddie:  Okay.  Thanks for appreciating it.
Me:  Huh?  Appreciating what?
Maddie:  Appreciating that I stopped.
Me:   You're welcome.
Maddie:  No really, thanks.
Me:  You're welcome.
Maddie:  Do you believe me?
Me:  Believe you about what?
Maddie:  Do you believe me that I'm grateful that you appreciated me stopping?
Me:  Yes.  I believe that you are grateful that I appreciated that you stopped.  However, I am finding this particular conversation slightly ridiculous.

Seriously.  I'm going out to dinner tonight with some friends.  I need to go out to dinner tonight with friends.  I may even order an appetizer.  


Shell said...

The question is, are you coming back?

Juliette said...

Your daughter is something else. I remember when you were worried about having rebellious children many years ago. Well looks like you got the extreme opposite.

Kristin said...

Wow, if I had a daughter like Madison I would be totally intimidated and lost in all our conversations. Appetizer? Ha! You deserve a dessert and special drink.

NG said...

Could I send my five year old to you for a few weeks so you can work your empathy magic on her too? I believe I may have failed in that particular parenting category.

CarrieAnne said...

I have had MANY conversations like this **EXACTLY** like this...with The Man.

There is a God and he's punishing me for marrying so young.