I've been abusing the library's hold system for about two years. I will put a checked-out book on hold even when there is a perfectly good checked-in copy on the shelves. I have a very good reason though.
Lets say I want to read
AntiCraft: Knitting, Beading and Stitching for the Slightly Sinister. Because, really, who
wouldn't? Now lets say that my local library has acquired a couple copies of this book. One of these copies happens to be checked-in and the other happens to be checked-out. I have two options,
1-- I can drag 2 to 4 children (depending on the time of the year) to the knitting section of the library where they will fuss, pout, whine, and generally annoy while I look for this book. Of course the knitting section happens to be right next to the turn-off-your-cell-phone study area. So every quiet squeak and every not-so-quiet yell will be met by the glares and sighs of those who were fortunate enough to escape their children, or possibly chatty roommates, to study at the library.
or 2-- I can put a hold on the already checked-out copy of this book. When it is returned I will be notified by email and it will be placed on the holding shelves and labeled with the first four letters of my last name: MALM. The holding shelves are conveniently located next to the self check-out stations thus allowing me to quickly come in, pick up the requested books, check them out, and leave with out having to talk to anyone. I don't really like talking to strangers at the library.
Though perhaps an abuse of the system it is
obviously the better choice.
Today I had 10 books that were ready to be picked up. I don't keep track of the titles, I just keep track of the number. It's faster that way. I look on the M shelf and grab every book that is labeled MALM. When I have the right number of books I know I've found them all and proceed to check out. Sometimes I don't even know what I've got until I get back in the car.
Today I proceeded to the holding shelves and picked up all the MALMs. I counted-- I had 10. On my way to check-out I noticed one of the books was Jane Austen's
Pride and Prejudice. I thought that was a little weird because I own Pride and Prejudice. I decided to look at my books more closely. I checked the title against the list on my account. I realized not only did I have a book that I hadn't requested, I
didn't have one of the books I had requested.
Obviously there had been a mistake. I found a librarian and explained the situation.
"Why do you think that
Pride and Prejudice is a mistake? Maybe it's not for you." she asked.
"Uh . . . it has my name on it."
"What . . . you think you're the
only MALM in the area?"
"Yes. Actually I do."
Apparently I am not.
A quick search of the phone book yielded no less than 4 Malm
stroms and I'm pretty sure one of them was wandering around the library today with my copy of
Danny the Champion of the World.
I'll tell you what Ms. Malm
strom . . . if you stop touching my books, I'll stop touching yours.
*I feel like I can safely say "Ms." at this point. It was Pride and Prejudice after all.