06 May 2009

The Dave

Why is it that my house seems to be falling apart?

Oh . . . wait . . . it's all coming back to me now.


Pmom@ChocolateandGarlic.com said...

I invited Amelia to take Kate away this morning and bring her back in two years. I don't think she plans to take me up on it. It would be sad if she did, because I would miss all the cuteness. On the other hand, I would also miss the pottytraining, the speech training (and associated guilt) and the clothing battles.

Pmom@ChocolateandGarlic.com said...

What is the second picture of?

Unknown said...

Lets see, the first picture is Desitin all over the bedroom wall.

The second picture is where he has pulled my curtain rods out of the wall.

The third picture is dry erase marker on the walls, oh and on the couches but I didn't get a picture of that.

The fourth picture is where he used his crib as a teether.

Kristin said...

There are so many expenses that come with kids that you just don't hear about until it happens to you. I am glad we aren't the only ones.

Monica said...

But he's sooooooo cute! As a mother that is now past this phase, I can honestly say I miss it.

Shell said...

You should be the one writing "What to expect after they get here." You've got pictures to back up your claims of complete havoc and chaos.

Oh, and he is too stinkin' cute.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing your commenting format!

I only discovered that you had a blog the other day -- and was wholly won over by Ned No Idol.

My Mom says that my Grandma used to say (in rage and frustration) "You can have something nice for a thousand years and then some kid comes along and destroys it!" That makes me laugh, but I truly am astonished by the amount of damage my kids can do in a very short time. And, while I'll absolutely miss having small kids around once mine are grown, I'm pretty darn certain I *won't* miss the pen marks on everything.