Chase turned four on Sunday so we let him decide what we would have for dinner. He chose pepperoni pizza, Cheetos and root beer. It was an
all around crowd pleaser.

The blue thing is supposed to be a car that the monster truck firetruck is crushing. I used marshmallow fondant to cover the body of the truck and though it was a mess to make the result was satisfying.
Over pizza, Cheetos, root beer and cake he told us the following things about his four year old self:
1. His favorite color is yellow.
2. His best friend is Miss Trish (his morning preschool teacher)
3. His favorite toy is a truck.
4. His favorite movie is John Deere.

Monday he got to celebrate his birthday at afternoon preschool. He brought juice boxes and fruit snacks for his friends, and his teacher gave him a balloon and a crown. Even though the day had been pretty exhausting we managed to wake him up and drag him to Sam Hawk for dinner.

You know you're having a pretty good time when grandpa Jim dons the crown.

Chase ended the evening by preforming "Tower of Power" from the Backyardigans.
I like to think a good time was had by all.