I registered the boy and the girl at the public elementary school this afternoon, and now I'm getting nervous. I hate having to make big important decisions--especially ones that have an impact on the lives of my children.

We have been going to Freedom, a charter school, since the girl started kindergarten. Wasn't she cute? I loved that jumper. Wednesday will be their last day of school at Freedom and their first time at public school.
I went to a small private school for kindergarten and first grade and was moved to a public school in second. Why? I don't know--I was 6. But, maybe it was because we were taken to the front lawn, told to spread out our arms, face the sky and feel the spirit. Or maybe it was just the black widows in the blocks. I do remember being thrilled because the public school had a cafeteria. No more eating home lunches at my desk! Score!
Madison is excited about the lack of uniform at the new school. She plans on doing something completely crazy the first day, like wearing pants under a skirt. That is sooo against the rules at Freedom.
Kai is looking forward to going by his middle name, MacKay (pronounced the Scottish way Ma-Kai) or just Kai for short. Most of the world (including everyone at Freedom) calls him Brigham or Brig (his first name). I call him Kai and have for a long time. But he wants a new name at his new school. It's his fresh start. Though I understand, it does make me sad. I was really the only person who ever called him Kai, so when I hear other people calling him that it seems wrong.
We have good memories of Freedom, but we know its time to move on even if that means leaving teachers and friends that we love.