11 July 2008

Sunset Picture Contest

The Mother-in-law and I had a sunset photo contest last night. We have three entries each, so look at them carefully and vote for the winner at the poll on the side bar.

Beth Sunset 1:

Beth Sunset 2:

Beth Sunset 3:

MIL Sunset 1:

MIL Sunset 2:
MIL Sunset 3:

Then Michael crashed the contest with this last minute entry.


Alice said...

Oh I wish I didn't know who took which pictures.

Mike got my vote. Beth and MIL are both very talented. I was torn.

Anonymous said...

not that i am bias, but i like yours. esp your #2. and i think that Mike should take more pictures :)

Shell said...

I sincerely liked your first picture best. There's something about the light on the rocks and the water that is what the Oregon coast is all about. So I voted for you, and not just out of loyalty (I would have voted for you anyway).

Dirtius Wifius said...

Beth's really are better. I love them.