10 July 2008

Dreadlocks Here I Come

After I got in the shower this morning I saw a huge ass spider. Sorry dad. I know people only swear because they can't think of anything smarter to say, but if you saw that spider you'd of swore too. Okay maybe not you, but mom would have. I doused the spider with water until it drowned. When I was confident it wasn't going to jump up and attack me I got out of the shower and made Michael clean up the aftermath. It may be a while before I shower again.

Today we are going to the coast. I'm pretty excited because normally we go to Brookings and Gold Beach but, this time we rented a guest house in Bandon. I am excited because yesterday it was 108 in Brookings.


Juliette said...

I think the offensive odor would be worth seeing you in dreadlocks. Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

You really need to stop hanging around with those Catholics. They are a bad influence on you.

When you compare people who swear and people who don't, which one really has the more limited vocabulary? Think about it.

I am feeling very damned off that someone would edit me.

CarrieAnne said...

"Ass" is an unsmart word?!?

Whatever. It's totally the smartestass word there is! And very versatile!

If a swear can be combined with the word "smart" and still be a word..then I say that the swear is **IN FACT** a "smart" word.

In reply to Jim F's comment, Practice makes perfect. ;-)

(Yes, I'm still trying not to swear. Some days I try harder than others.)