27 October 2007

Small Fries

The kids and I are short. Madison and Chase are both hanging out at the fifth percentile for height. We don’t really know what percentile Kai is, because he has fallen below the fifth percentile, and apparently they don’t have a chart for people that short.

So, Friday I took the baby to the doctor for his four month check-up. He hit the fifth percentile for weight and the thirtieth for height. As the doctor was looking over his growth chart he said, “Wow! It looks like he’s going to be tall!” Then he quickly qualified it with, “. . . well, I mean for you guys.” Trying to see just how much of his foot would fit in his mouth he added, “. . . you know, sometimes it’s best to compare us against ourselves.”


Marc said...

E's a shrimp too... three months ago he was 6% weight and 12% height... now he's 10% weight and 47% height.

Sparklebot said...

What about Mike? Weren't his genes consulted?

Unknown said...

Not so much.

Apparently the Faulconer genes are pretty stubborn. I know, I know, its a shocker.

Alice said...

Dad, did you google famous short people in an effort to create your list?

I guess I'm just thrown with your Kurt Cobain reference ... as well as a bit impressed!

CarrieAnne said...

That short people list is scary. Criminals, Royalty, tortured Artists, people who had mental illnesses, and then.... Dolly Parton. Thanks for the Halloween scare! :-)

Marc said...

Ha Alice! That's EXACTLY what I was wondering. Either pops has got a rather remarkable knowledgeable of pop culture or he's a googling maniac.

tyler and ali said...

Huh, short kids, huh? I don't understand why...
Your posts make me laugh out loud. Really, call me when you have a free afternoon (since I, apparently, don't know how to dial numbers).
My kids are all skinny. I did a cheer when Jack finally went from the 2nd percentile in weight to the 7th. It was a party moment.