10 October 2007

The Green House Effect on Carrots

I was planning to blog on the phallic carrot my friends grew in their backyard. That was until I read this, “Global warming report gives grim outlook for state” in the Trib this morning. Apparently Utah is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other state in the nation. Perhaps an explanation for the carrot?

Well, way to go Utah, it’s a rough road to the top. I’d like to say that I have tried to do my part by making sure that every light in the house is on at all times. I also refuse to walk anywhere. Besides sonic doesn’t take walk-ups at the drive-thru, and I have to satisfy my Dr. Pepper with lime addiction somewhere. Congratulations to me and my many many greenhouse gas emitting neighbors.

Apparently our current conditions will bless us with fewer frosts, a longer growing season, heat waves, and drought. That’s cool; I never really liked skiing anyway, or water for that matter . . . like I said I’m a Dr. Pepper girl. Besides now we can change our license plate slogan from “Ski Utah” to “The New Nevada.” Speaking of which, now my cold averse friends in Vegas (you know who you are) can move back to Utah. Don’t worry guys I’ll keep my eye on the housing market for you.


Marc said...

Huh? What did you say? I was too transfixed by that carrot to catch anything else.

CarrieAnne said...

Reminds me or Arches for some reason...