When Madison was three she answered the door to let the Fed Ex man in our house. She refused to come get me when he asked if she'd go get her mom. I happened to be in the back of the house using the blow drier and didn't hear the door. Finally, she agreed to take the paper to me and have me sign it. Imagine my surprise and confusion when she said, "mom the guy at the door says you need to sign this."
I went to the door embarrassed, and signed the paper all the while ranting about how I didn't hear the door and I didn't know she had answered, blah blah blah. All of which I am sure he didn't believe. I handed him back the paper and Madison says, "No, mom! You keep the pink copy!"
We installed a slide bolt on the door that afternoon. Madison was never one to take off, she just liked to let people in. She also enjoyed standing in the window and waving to the neighbor kids on their way home from school. She did it almost every day, sometimes with clothes, sometimes without.

Kai never let anyone in, though we did already have the slide lock at that point.
He was one of those little kids that was just beautiful. He had very blond hair with just a little bit of curl at the bottom and huge blue eyes. Every where we went he was admired by old ladies. They thought he looked like the Gerber baby and like to pinch his cheeks.
By the time he was three he was an expert at taking things apart, dumping things, and climbing in things. He used to try to shut himself in the dishcloth drawer. Of course he would need take all the dish cloths out first to make more room.

So now Chase is two and a half. This is one of my favorite ages. They are learning all sorts of new things, and showing you all the little details of their personalities. Before this, they were just really cute babies.
Chase doesn't let people in, but he like to go out. We have had to retrieve him from the driveway countless times. We finally turned our alarm system's chime on. Now every time a door is opened the alarm system says, "Front Door" or "Back Door." Its annoying, but necessary. So why not just buy a bunch of slide locks? Well he has also discovered stools.
But he isn't just an escaper. He also like to flush the toilets (particularly if you are in the shower), he likes to turn on all the faucets, and put all sorts of random things in his mouth. We have one room just off the kitchen that he gets into and causes all sorts of trouble. So I put one of those plastic covers for the door handle on it. And wouldn't you know, he's the only one of my kids who can open that door now.