16 March 2010

Doggie Depression

This is what Construction Site Lewis thinks about wearing the cone of shame.

The only cure to severe doggie depression is a good game of fetch. 

Construction site is very good at fetching the ball.

He still needs to work on returning it.

You'll be happy to know that we took the cone off Sunday and he is a much happier dog. Hopefully we'll be able to remove the bandage and staples soon.


JulieN said...

That is so sad. When we had to put a cone on our dog's head she freaked out. I was affraid she was going to do more damage to herself running around banging into everything, so I removed the cone. Glad to see that he's doing better.

Unknown said...

He was like that at first too. He kept running into things and getting stuck places so I took the cone off. But it got to the point where he just wouldn't leave the staples alone and was causing all sorts of problems so we HAD to put the cone back on. After a few horrible hours he got used to it. But he was not happy about it.

Sparklebot said...

All dogs should only have three legs.