13 July 2009

Why Are They Here?

Yesterday while the home teachers were over the boy leaned in close and whispered, "Mom . . . aren't they supposed to be teaching us about God and stuff? Not just . . . chatting?"

At least he whispered it. It was much less obvious than the time he prayed and asked "to please bless the home teachers that they can leave soon."


NG said...

I pray for the exact same thing sometimes. God seldom hears that prayer.

Kristin said...

I ask myself the same question often. Aren't they supposed to be talking about God and stuff? Not just chatting? I love that boy of yours! He is so wise for his age.

Anonymous said...

Love it.

Our current home teachers are young and fun with our kids and always share a Gospel message that they gear to the kids' understanding; they even ask us how we're doing in things like family prayers. It's great.