11 November 2008

Enough Hair . . . On To Teeth

Yesterday the boy lost his first tooth.  He often talks about his loose teeth that aren't really loose, so I was surprised when I found one hanging by a thread yesterday.  I called Grandpa Jim and told the boy it might be a few minutes but Grandpa was coming.  Kai said that was fine because he "needed to prepare."

Grandpa Jim happened to be the one to pull Madison's first tooth and now the kids are convinced that he is the only one worthy of the job.  Hopefully he will always be in town when there are teeth to be pulled.  I can imagine the kids dying of starvation because they don't dare eat for fear their tooth will fall out before Grandpa comes back from Lebanon.  

After a few minutes I went to check on Kai.  I found him like this

He was on all fours with his mouth hanging open.

Me:  "Hey buddy.  What are you doing?"

Him:  "Waiting for grandpa."

Me:  "Ya.  I get that.  But what are you doing?"

Him:  "I'm on a red blanket in case my tooth falls out.  I'm keeping my mouth open so I won't swallow it and it will just fall on the blanket.  I picked red because it will hide the blood, and the white tooth will show up real easy.  If I'd chosen white, I'd be looking and looking and there would be blood everywhere. I'd probably never find it on a white blanket."

He had also gotten a Ziploc to keep the tooth in and a paper towel to sop up the blood.

It didn't take long for Grandpa Jim to come.  You'll be glad to know that Kai didn't swallow his tooth, and there wasn't blood everywhere.

Last night he wrote this story for his school teacher.  I don't know why some letters are underlined.  I do know that he spelled Mrs as Mrss because he is convinced that Mrs with only one s is pronounced as miss.  I also know that mane = money, store = story, los = lots, hape = happy, hav = have, and well = will.  Oh and anything with an exclamation point is meant to be exclamed with the kind of exhuberance only a six-year-old can produce.

To Mrss Peiotti 
From MacKay
A True Store

My tooth Fellout!

I am very glad That my tooth Fellout.  I hope That I well get los of mane.  I am very hape that my tooth Fellout.  I am very hape That my tooth Fellout and that I well hav los of fun.  I hope that I well be hape.


Juliette said...

I like the way this boy thinks; very logical about the blanket. Cute story. Your kids are going to love reading these someday.

Kristin said...

This teeth pulling thing is new to Tim and I. Neither of us grew up with parents that did that. Not that there is anything wrong with it and I guess we are just ignorant but why not just let it fall out on it's own?

NG said...

That boy will become a meeting planner one day - either that or a boy scout leader.

Alice said...

He seems to care a lot about money ;)

Unknown said...

juilette- I suppose it is logical. Strange, but logical.

kristin- I don't know about all kids, but my kids don't wait for their teeth to just fall out because the are afraid they will swallow them while they are sleeping and or eating.

ng- scary but true. Who'd of thought I'd ever raise a good candidate for cub master.

alice- he does love money. In fact he told the home teachers that he collects money.

CarrieAnne said...

The boy is a thinker! He and The Kid have a lot in common.