23 September 2008

Why I Should NOT Have Children

Today Chase . . .

Refused to wear a coat.
Drank three of the chocolate milks that are reserved for sack lunches.
Pulled up my flowers.
Took a single bite out of every one of my truffles.

I put him in time out.  
He apologized.  "Sorry mom." Sniff sniff.  
I told him to stay in time out.  

He was very quiet.  
I forgot about him.

He fell asleep. 
He fell off the kitchen stool . . . flat on his face.

He has a lump on his head and a freshly bitten tongue.  
Poor kid.


tyler and ali said...

Dude, he ate a bite out of each one of your truffles?
The kid had it coming to him!

Kristin said...

He'll live and be a better person for it!

Juliette said...

That brings me back to the time when we were kids and I was hanging out at your house. You left me in your room and had forgotten ALL about me. It was maybe 40 minutes later when I finally came out looking for you. So maybe you shouldn't have friends, either...(o;

CarrieAnne said...

My FIL used to get upset when we put The Kid on a stool for time out. He was terrified she'd fall off. (She couldn't climb down from it on her own.)

The Man told him if she did fall off she'd only do it once.

I'm not so sure she would have learned not to fall off after just the once...I hope Chase does. ;-)