27 December 2009

Catching Up

It's been a while but I've been very busy doing very important things. Things like cutting Chase's hair. I loved his long hair, but I missed his cute little face. What better time to cut his hair than before his preschool Christmas program, right? Wrong.

He was all for taking the clippers to his head until he looked in the mirror. Apparently the drastic change in his appearance was too much and he didn't recognize himself. He came out of the bathroom rubbing his head and said (in a very sad little voice), "Now I don't even have a name."

I have decided that motherhood is paved with good intentions and mine generally go awry.

By the time the program was over he had pretty much recovered--the candy canes they handed out helped. And though he may not love his short hair I do.


Pmom@ChocolateandGarlic.com said...

I really, really like Chase's hair. He is such a cute, sweet boy!

NG said...

That is both hilarious and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Sparklebot said...

Aw. Poor Chase. Those luxurious locks will grow back!

Unknown said...

Pmom-- I agree. I like Chase's hair short. I really like being able to see his face-- he is such a cute little boy!

NG-- I know! It was sad but every time I think about it I laugh.

Sparklebot-- I keep telling him that. Yesterday he asked me if his hair had grown back yet. He doesn't plan on looking in a mirror again until it does.