21 October 2009

Dressing Up

As Chase and I were sitting in the living room waiting for his school bus yesterday, I realized when Chase said he wanted to dress like a John Deere farmer for Halloween he was saying he wouldn't be dressing up at all.


Pmom@chocolateandgarlic.com said...

I _love_ the boots! I haven't noticed him wear those before.

Chase's situation is similar to Amelia's. She is going to be Alice in Wonderland. Other than a lacy pinafore, she appears to be going as herself: girl wearing dress, long hair held back by headband. She was disdainful when I asked her if she wanted to make her hair more blonde for the costume. I did convince her to wear her hair in a ponytail all month--which I wish she always did because it keeps her looking neater--so that she would look different to her classmates with her hair down. If she had her druthers she would always wear it down. The truth is, she might wear the pinafore on other days if I let her.

Jessieksj said...

the boots are awesome!!!

CarrieAnne said...

You need to send that in to Farmers Digest.

NG said...

"FFA, here I come!"

My gosh, he's getting so big.

Sparklebot said...


You LET your kid wear cowboy boots on REGULAR days?

WTF, Beth?

Anonymous said...

I made an Ash costume (Pokemon trainer) for Ike one year and it was way too much like clothing (a hat, and a shirt to wear over a tee shirt) and he wore it every day that it wasn't in the laundry for the rest of the year.

Nice that Chase's costume's already set. :) I still need to dig my kids' costumes out.

Anonymous said...

P.S. By "rest of the year" I didn't meant until Dec. 31, I meant "next twelve months." And then some.

courtnee said...

Lis, I think chase belongs down here in Emery County Tractors are used for multiple tasks not just the farming.My blog address is justusblog-court.blogspot.com
it is fun to see you kids growing and such cuties as well!!!