15 December 2008

The Glare

The glare has almost reached perfection.

Perhaps just a touch more dissapointment and frustration.

But he's close.  Very close.


Juliette said...

I'm not buying it. The way he puckers out his lips, he looks more like a model in a cologne ad. A baby that's got sexy down so fast? I would start worrying. (o;

Kristin said...

I saw a show where a model said the way she kept the pucker was having the word "pudding" constantly on her lips. Another great puckerer? Daniel Craig. Heh heh heh. You can't glare and pucker at the same time I am afraid. Perhaps "Blue Steel"? Perhaps Cullen?

Unknown said...

Juliette-- He's going to be so disappointed when he finds out his glare doesn't instill fear. Though I'm confident he'll learn to use it to his advantage anyway.

Kristin-- I think you might be right about "Blue Steel." And it does resemble a little Jasper. Some overdone white make up would help.

Anonymous said...

I do like the way he is using his whole face to express his disapproval. Merely using the eyes can be so limiting.

CarrieAnne said...

*waves fingers* THIS is not the smile you're looking for.