19 December 2008

The Beginning of the End

My children will start Christmas break at 12:30 today.  From this point on I will be hiding in my house trying to figure out how to finish the Christmas presents I was supposed to finish weeks ago with out them seeing.  

I will also be writing a list of reasons they still need to go to bed at 8:30 even though they don't have school tomorrow.  "Because I'm out of Dr. Pepper" is at the top of the list.  Every time I buy one the boy says, "Uh Uh Uh Uh Mom!  That's not healthy . . . ."  He's so cute when he's concerned.

I will also be hording the treat plates we receive from the neighbors so I can binge on sugar after the kids go to bed.  If they're going to keep me from having a Dr. Pepper, I should at least get to eat the majority of the candy.


Kristin said...

I am SO glad I am not the only treat hoarder around here. I share though . .with Tim. . because he helps hide when I am not there to receive so that is only fair. Let me know what excuses you come up with for getting them to bed at 8:30pm. Here is one "Um. . .it's not good for you to stay up late" BAM!!!

Juliette said...

It's going to be a loooong break. If it weren't for school, I think I'd lose my mind. (And I have only ONE kid!)

Tyler V said...

Huh, I do that too! It was handy when I was pregnant, because I used the "its for the baby" excuse often. Maybe you should just get pregnant again and then you'd have that excuse covered! It works for everything--"No, you have to go to bed so that Mom can go to bed. You know how cranky pregnant Mom gets when she doesn't get her sleep!"
On second thought, that's about the only nice thing (other than the sweet baby at the end) to being pregnant. Forget it. Just sit on him until he stays in bed.