21 April 2010

The Unthinkable

Yesterday I went to Costco and purchased a very large bag of M&Ms because Davis is potty training.

When Madison was two and ready to be potty trained we used the last diaper and let her pick out her very own pack of underwear.  After a week she was pretty much accident free.  After a month it was done. 

When the boy was two  and ready to be potty trained we used the last diaper and let him pick out his very own pack of underwear.  After a week I was sick of cleaning up messes.  After a year and a half I wanted to pull my hair out.  However, at the age of 4 he developed a love a money and ten dollars later he was potty trained.

Ever since my two year ordeal with the boy I've really had to psych myself up for potty training because I hate it.  It took me forever to potty train Chase.  Not him . . . ME.

But for some reason I bought those M&Ms and little Davis ran around naked and you know what?  It wasn't horrible.  Maybe now as the boy is approaching eight I'm finally healing from my attempts to potty train him.

Maybe.  I'll let you know in a week.


Tyler V said...

Cool. I'm still dealing with accidents from my 5 yr old and 3 yr old (ready to give away the 3 yr old with that--so sick of it!). Maybe we'll have to go with the $$ thing...

Pmom@ChocolateandGarlic.com said...


Sparklebot said...

I would have given up after a few weeks and just taught the boy how to change his own diaper.

Grace said...

So it has begun! Good luck!!

Shell said...

I was absolutely certain I was not going to fight with my girl after all the yelling and head banging that went on with the two boys. If she went to school in diapers, that was fine with me. I wasn't going to push it.

Then she started finger painting. Potty training wasn't so bad after that.

This is your last one. Once you're done, you're done. Good luck.

NG said...

I am right there with you, dude. My 6 year old pretty much had to just be told when she was 2 "Hey, you should probably go in the toilet." That was the end. So I have not clue 1 how to handle it now that I have a 2 year old who doesn't want to wear diapers but can't seem to work up the resolve to use the toilet either. Worst. Of. Both. Worlds.

Marianne said...

Can I send Collin over? Seriously that kids never going to be potty trained.