I know there are some people out there who read my blog but don't comment (Tamara-- I'm talking about people like you) so to celebrate my two years of blogging and hopefully bring some of these people out of the woodwork I will tempt you with a scarf.
So if you'd like to win this scarf leave a comment on this post. You'll have two weeks to comment. I'll announce the winner on Monday the 28th, first thing in the morning.
I love your blog and I love your knitting! I am a faithful fan!
pretty scarf! and i'm commenting just cause i want to win it
Two years and I'm still looking forward to it everytime there's a new post :)
Congrats on 2 years! Always a fun read.
I want to win it! Plus, I love reading your blog. Plus, you inspired me to finally start my own blog. Plus, you're awesome and you knit amazing stuff. - Des
Your blog is hilarious; I really enjoy it!
You'd think you are a mom or something, bribing us like that. Sheesh!
i will still read your blog if i win :)
That IS a lovely scarf! And I am a devoted reader of your magnificent blog, so I deserve it!!
That is a cute scarf. Count me in.
I hope I win it, I will give it to a vet in the WalMart parking lot. He will look so patriotic he will get lots of donations.
I don't comment as much as I should... but I love your sense of humor nonetheless. Congratulations.
I comment sometimes. I try to always keep track though. It's because I love your pictures and your irreverent humor and commentary on life here. I truly adore you Lis.
I have NO idea what you are talking about Lis! I comment all the time--just not on here! :)
Who's the weirdo that wants to give the scarf to a Vet? Vet's make killer dough! They can afford to buy one or pay an orphan to knit them one. (And I don't think they hang out at Walmart.)
Lis, I love you but your scarf is not in a color scheme that works for me. Neither would it work for The Man or Kid. So I hereby give my entry to my sister..if she so wants it. (You know she does. She's super greedy like that.)
My comments over the last two years speak for themselves. The scarf is beautiful.
I've seen the scarf in real life. You want it. But I want it more.
I have a feeling I could trick you into making me my very own scarf so I am only here to wish you a big congrats and thank you for writing so religiously. I love being able to keep up with your lives. Much love!
Congratulations on two years of blogging. You make cyberspace fun!
I was flabbergasted to see that Clark wanted to give your handmade scarf to a vet. For a minute there I thought he was planning to dress smelly animals. I was relieved to find out he wanted to dress smelly people instead.
I would never let smelly people or animals use the scarf. (11)
I would not let Clark use the scarf, lest he give it to smelly animals or people. (28)
I would go into Wal-mart and buy the vet a warm but sentimentaless (?) scarf. (42)
I really, really appreciate your knitting. I wear it in the house sometimes just to remind me that someone loved me enough to make me a scarf and mittens. (71)
The scarf is prettier in person than on the screen. (81)
I am not a fair-weather commenter. (88)
I look good in red and blue. It goes good with jeans. (100 words)
There are probably other blog stalkers that deserve the scarf more than I, but I am really good at stalking your blog and I love reading your blog because you make me laugh on every single post! Thanks for the laughs!
I want to win! Congrats on your 2 year blogiversary.
So if my lovely sister is serious and doesn't change her mind when she wins (she wins EVERYTHING, even things she doesn't want) then this is my second entry for the scarf and it's legal! Yeah me!
Lis, you dragged me kicking and screaming into blogger land. Yours was the first and will always be the one I am most faithful to. When I'm having a bad day, I always look here for a pick-me-up (and to see the latest creative thing you've mastered, which usually gets me depressed all over again. Too much talent, girl!)
I want it. But mostly, keep the blogposts coming. You make me laugh every time I read (and u also usually make me glad that whatever it is didn't happen to me!)
I love the blog...although I don't get to read it as often as I would like...when I get a chance...I just can't stop.
Ok, ok, your scarf temptation pulled me out of the woodwork. I read your blog all the time. Your family is fun. You remind me of people I know. There. Incognito no more.
I only read your blog when I am at work, bored, and in need of a laugh. I usually don't comment because it would incriminate me as one of "those" people who check blogs while at work.
Why am I not surprised sbout your first ever blog post? I almost wonder why it wasn't something like why do babies come from the airport?
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