11 September 2009

No Bread For You

As you know, the boy is back on a gluten free diet and we are still trying to find good gluten free bread. Michael bought a loaf at a local market that he thought was promising so the boy has been taking pb&j to school on the new bread this week. While cleaning out his lunch box I've noticed that the sandwiches are left mostly untouched. Today I asked him what he thought of his sandwich and he said, "Um. I liked it. Well actually . . . it was kind of medium. I mean it was mostly disgusting." Then he said, "Besides, there is a girl who sits next to me and she says there is NO SUCH THING as gluten free bread! And she would know because her grandpa is a farmer. So I just told her that I was on a wheat free diet and THEN I had to explain what a diet was."


Kristin said...

Well. . .he IS a farmer Lis! He, and therefor also his daughter, know these things! Why doesn't your doctor??!! I would take it up with your doctor. "But Brig's friend said. . . .!!!"

Sparklebot said...

I liked the evolution of his opinion of the sandwich. Classic.

Rachel said...

You should try Pamela's amazing bread mix. It takes about 5 minutes to make in your kitchen aid. It's nearly like "real" bread, but it only lasts a couple days.