14 May 2013

The Mark of a Gentleman

Yesterday as all the kids were piling into the car Madison was having trouble opening the door because her arms were full of books and homework papers.

One by one each of the boys pushed by her and hopped in the car.

"Wow." I said, "I have three boys and not a single one of you is a gentleman. One of you needs to open that door for your sister." To which Chase replied, "Mom. I have a WHOLE collection of bow ties. I'm pretty sure that qualifies me as a gentleman."


Dirtius Wifius said...

So, according to Chase, the clothes DO make the man.

Also, hahahahaha. I love him!

vinestreet said...

ha ha ha. :)

I wanted to tell you, I have been trying out what you talked about in RS on Sunday. I said to Grace yesterday after she dumped water all over Caroline, "I know you, and you are one of the kindest girls I know..show me some of that kindness you have." She looked at me and then got her blanket and started to mop the water off her sister. This was a huge change for us--I usually throw people in time out for a move like that. But focusing on the good person she is, really turned things around. Thank you!
