15 September 2011

Its A Miracle My Children Don't Show Up At School Naked

Exhibit A:

Me:  Kai, are you sure want to wear a long sleeved shirt to school? 
Kai:  Its cold in the morning.
Me: Why not wear a short sleeved shirt and a light jacket so you won't be hot in the afternoon?
Kai:  My light jacket doesn't have a hood.
Me:  Neither does the long sleeved shirt you're wearing.
Kai: I think I'll just wear my blue shoes.  Thanks though.
Me:  I'm so confused right now.

Exhibit B:

Chase:  Mom.  I can't find any pants. 
Me:  What about one of the three pair you knocked out of your basket and are currently standing on.
Chase (looking down):  Wow.  That's a lot of pants.

1 comment:

Yuet-ching said...

Hahaha your kids are so funny =P xx