02 March 2011

Yes Sir That's My Baby!

On the way home from dropping the kids off at school today Davis reached up and felt his head, "MOM!  There are spikes all over my head!"  He is still in denial about his hair growing back after we shaved him bald in January.  If you mention that his hair is growing back he will either one, argue with you about it or two, ignore you because you're not worth arguing with.  You can even show him his hair in a mirror and he still won't believe you.  "Mom!  I want all these spikes gone.  We need to shave them off so my head will be completely bald."  So when we got home I pulled out the razor and went to work.

He was watching as little tufts of hair were falling in his lap.  He grabbed one and said, "Wait . . . WHAT?  These aren't spikes?!!  There weren't spikes on my head.  These are hair crumbs.  I had hair crumbs all over my head!  HAIR CRUMBS!!!"

But now he is proudly hair crumb free.
I told him I wanted two pictures, one with the hat on and one with it off.  He took the hat and said, "I'm gonna show you how a dude wears his hat."  Apparently dudes wear their hats backwards.

1 comment:

Shell said...

My goodness, he looks like Brig, but only with the hat on. Without any hair crumbs he just looks like a chemo baby. Great way to get sympathy in stores...