23 March 2011

With a Little Finesse He'll Be a Politician

Me:  Kai, here's the problem.  I don't feel like I can get ready in the morning because if I leave you unattended you start playing instead of doing what you're supposed to do.  Do you think it's fair that I can't get ready because you're not doing what you're supposed to?

Kai: Yes! Whoa . . . whoa . . . No? Um.  What was the question again?  Wait, wait, wait . . . I have an idea, how about you tell me the answer you're looking for and I'll pick that one.


Juliette said...


NG said...

This approach could revolutionize my job.

Ali said...

He's a total natural (and a smart man-in-the-making, let's be honest. His future wife will thank you for that...while cursing you for his other quirks. hehe.).

CarrieAnne said...

Is he related to The Man? He's got that "Deer in the headlights....Oh crap I'll say whatever it is to get out of trouble..if only I knew what she wanted me to say" aura about him.

Dawnia said...

Awesome. Gotta love that answer.

Grace said...

LOL! This is great!