24 February 2011

Blue and Gold

Tonight was the Blue and Gold Banquet and the scouts were each asked to bring a cake.  We just got a new recipe for a flour-less chocolate cake so we decided to give it a whirl.

Before you ask, he lives most of his life with his shirt off.  I'm going to be baking a cake?  I better take my shirt off.  Dinner is starting?  I better take my shirt off.  The home teachers are coming over?  I better take my shirt off.  They're collecting fast offerings?  I better take off every stitch of clothing I'm wearing and go streaking though the front room.

When it was done, Michael helped the boy dust the cake with a powdered sugar fleur de lis (also known as the scout logo) and then we told him to put his scout shirt on along with some clean pants.  It was a banquet after all. 

After getting dressed he came up to me and said, "Mom check this out!  These pants have a gold zipper!  Tonight I'm going to go up to people and be like, 'Hey check this out,' and then FAA-LING I'm going to flip back this flap by the zipper and show them my zipper and they're going to be like, 'DUDE that is a GOLD ZIPPER.  You are SOOO cool.' and I'll be like, 'Ohhhh Yeahhhh.'" 

Fortunately he didn't actually do this to anyone.

At the banquet his cake won an award for "Best Use of Theme."  He also got his first bead and is now progressing towards his wolf. 
Nicely done buddy.  Nicely done.


CarrieAnne said...

It's all good SOMEONE needs to be the Matthew McConauHAAAY of the South Orem/North Provo area.

Maybe one day he'll be known as "The Naked Chef?"

How did it taste?

NG said...

OK, have to do it.

I know a guy who tried to flash his zipper at a Blue and Gold Banquet and they asked him not to come back anymore.

Too much?

Angela said...

You need to big more! This is great!

Shell said...

I was in scouts for quite a while and I don't think I ever got zipper-flashed. I must not have been doing it right.

Marianne said...

Nicely done, indeed.