30 September 2010

Hard Work Pays Off

After a frustrating track season all of Madison's hard work is finally paying off.  She has placed in the top three in all but one (where she placed fourth) of her cross country races.  

Way to go Madison, you're amazing.

21 September 2010

Soccer Star

This year Chase decided to try his hand at soccer.  At first he was upset that Levis and cowboy boots weren't part of the uniform, but ten minutes on the field and he forgot all about it.

After a few short weeks he changed from a little boy who stood on the side lines to a little boy who charges onto the field with a battle cry.

It doesn't hurt that he's met a cute girl or two.

08 September 2010

Why Didn't I Think of That?

Davis:  "Mom.  What should I name my bear?"
I offer several names I think are suitable for a stuffed bear.
Davis:  "No.  I want something like Mouse-Mouse or Duck-Duck, but he isn't a mouse or a duck."
Me:  "So . . . Bear-Bear?"
Davis:  "Yeah, thats it! Thanks!"

01 September 2010

More Firsts

Twice a week for two hours a day I have no children. Davis and Chase have both started school.

Davis started his first year of preschool and though he seems to really like his teacher, Mrs. Brown, he said next time he'd like to try Mrs. Yellow.

However, I think he might just be a little upset because he was asked to stop bringing his imaginary friend Dee Dee #2 to school with him.  Dee Dee #1, 3,4,5, and 6 are all still welcome but Dee Dee #2 likes to pretend she's a dog and has a tendency to lick.  Apparently that is frowned upon in preschool.  Go figure.

On Chase's first day we decided to walk to school.  We live less than a mile from the school and we had a good 30 minutes to get there.  I was hoping to arrive early so I could talk to his teacher.  Unfortunately, Chase doesn't actually like walking.  Less than a block from the school Chase sprawled out on the grass in protest.  "I. Can't. Take it.  Any . . . (sigh) mooooore!"  Even with a good 30 minutes in our favor we arrived a few minutes late.

After Chase got home we decided to celebrate his first day of school by going to lunch with Mike.  Mike asked him what he wanted for lunch and he said, "Pizza.  But from a restaurant.  Not Costco."  One day of kindergarten and he's already becoming refined.